有关 Next.js 国际化的方案网上很多,而且各部相同,但大部分的方案都是在 /app 目录下添加动态路由 [lang] 这样的形式,这不是我想要的效果。
我希望国际化的实现不能破坏应用程序的目录结构和路由,在经过一段时间摸索后,发现 next-intl
如果官方文档打不开的伙伴,可以到 Github 上克隆代码,本地运行根目录的 docs 文件夹
powershell 代码:pnpm add next-intl
根目录新建 messages 文件夹,并写入对应的国际化文件:
json 代码:// en.json { "Route":{ "about":"About", "dashboard":"Dashboard", "system-manage":"System Manage", "internationalization":"Internationalization" } } // zh.json { "Route":{ "about":"关于", "dashboard":"仪表盘", "system-manage":"系统管理", "internationalization":"国际化" } }
根目录的 next.config.ts 文件设置插件:
ts 代码:import type { NextConfig } from "next"; import createNextIntlPlugin from 'next-intl/plugin'; const withNextIntl = createNextIntlPlugin(); const nextConfig: NextConfig = {}; export default withNextIntl(nextConfig);
新建 src/i18n/config.ts 文件,写入配置:
ts 代码:export type Locale = (typeof locales)[number]; export const locales = ['zh', 'en'] as const; export const defaultLocale: Locale = 'zh';
新建 src/i18n/request.ts 文件,创建一个请求范围的配置对象:
ts 代码:import { getRequestConfig } from 'next-intl/server'; import { getLocale } from '@/i18n'; export default getRequestConfig(async () => { const locale = await getLocale(); return { locale, messages: (await import(`../../messages/${locale}.json`)).default, }; });
新建 src/i18n/index.ts 文件,用于服务端获取和设置语言
ts 代码:'use server'; import { cookies } from 'next/headers'; import { defaultLocale, Locale } from '@/i18n/config'; // In this example the locale is read from a cookie. You could alternatively // also read it from a database, backend service, or any other source. const COOKIE_NAME = 'NEXT_LOCALE'; export async function getLocale() { return (await cookies()).get(COOKIE_NAME)?.value || defaultLocale; } export async function setLocale(locale: Locale) { (await cookies()).set(COOKIE_NAME, locale); }
app/layout.tsx 文件配置 NextIntlClientProvider:
ts 代码:import {NextIntlClientProvider} from 'next-intl'; import {getLocale, getMessages} from 'next-intl/server'; export default async function RootLayout({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode; }) { const locale = await getLocale(); // Providing all messages to the client // side is the easiest way to get started const messages = await getMessages(); return ( <html lang={locale}> <body> <NextIntlClientProvider messages={messages}> {children} </NextIntlClientProvider> </body> </html> ); }
ts 代码:import { useTranslations } from 'next-intl'; export default function Dashboard() { const t = useTranslations('Route'); return ( <h1> {t('dashboard')} </h1> ); }
新建 src/components/LangSwitch/index.tsx 文件:
html 代码:'use client'; import { useLocale } from 'next-intl'; import { Button } from '@/components/ui/button'; import { setLocale } from '@/i18n'; import { type Locale, locales } from '@/i18n/config'; export default function LangSwitch() { const [ZH, EN] = locales; const locale = useLocale(); // 切换语言 function onChangeLang(value: Locale) { const locale = value as Locale; setLocale(locale); } return ( <Button variant="ghost" size="icon" onClick={() => onChangeLang(locale === ZH ? EN : ZH)}> {locale === ZH ? '中' : 'EN'} <span className="sr-only">Toggle Lang</span> </Button> ); }
html 代码:import LangSwitch from '@/components/LangSwitch'; <LangSwitch />

这样的国际化方案切换语言的时候,路由就不会发生变化,更好地保留应用程序的原样,并且将当前语言的 key 存储到浏览器 cookie 中,刷新浏览器当前语言并不会失效,可以达到我们想要的效果。
Github 仓库:next-admin
线上预览地址:Next Admin